
How Do You Explain Culture To A Child

Teaching your children about culture at a young age will greatly impact their lives by helping them understand and respect differences in all people throughout the world. Furthermore, providing your child with insightful information about the context of race, customs, values, language and familial history will shape their experiences and influence their development into adulthood. Sparking your children’s curiosity by making them culturally aware will play an essential role in how they make sense of the world.

Begin by talking about your own upbringing or stories that have been passed down by your parents, because stories of cultural history can provide a rich view on cultural heritage. Additionally, spending time with loved ones that have first-hand accounts of life in another country or within a completely different culture will provide a well-rounded understanding of your child’s background. Explore your family tree with your children and talk about how family history is important to understanding diversity. Encourage your children to talk about their family traditions with their friends, as they will grow up proud of it when they explain it to those around them.

Reading books and watching foreign movies with your children teaches them about different cultures and countries and encourages acceptance and education of new cultures. When learning about different cultures through characters, your child will further empathize and generate enthusiasm for other cultures and traditions. Experiment in the kitchen and cook traditional meals with your children while using it as a teaching opportunity. Talking about recipes and what they mean to your family’s history will give them a greater sense of cultural identity and admiration.

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